On Tuesday, 8 November 2016 14:38:29 UTC, Alastair wrote:
On Tuesday, 8 November 2016 13:17:14 UTC, Norman Lynagh wrote:
Eskimo Will wrote:
"Norman Lynagh" wrote in message
I don't know why there's a severe weather warning for snow for this area
due to come into force at midday while the current weather forecast
predicts no precipitation before 1800. Such discrepancies do the
credibility of the Met Office no good at all. Timing is very important.
For example, snow very quickly affects bus services, including the many
school buses that operate to the villages and remote farms.
You don't really believe peasants are so dumb do you?
Automated site forecasts yesterday gave sleet in Tideswell. As far as I can
see snow will only be a problem 400 metres and above. The upper trough is
disrupting and precip will slow down as low deepens in base of trough.
There has been this trend in model runs so far.
Automated weather stations?
The MetO I'm afraid is going down
hill rapidly now as the last of the experienced staff retire or leave.
This is not a criticism of younger staff
It should be!
... forecasting has become a fringe activity in the Met Office.
But hey, I'm a dinosaur, what do I know?
You seem to have studiously ignored me for some time, so I have to imagine you don't know as much as you may think.
Automated forecast is now predicting heavy snow in Tideswell from 2000 this
evening till 0900 tomorrow morning.
The position of the Anticyclone over Greenland along with a Low over Scandinavia is critical in snow forecasts.
Increasing volcanic forecasts too but you should know that by now.
That tends to agree with the BBC forecast after the 1 o'clock News.
People can choose to ignore what they wish to ignore but the penalty for ignorance is self evident. Allow me to point out, to the meek among us, that there is a belt of isobars on the left of this chart:
http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/char...Refresh+ View
These bands indicate tropical storms but all such have faded; yet the belt has remained long after more storms should have built than the mere Meari.
You would all do well to take a look at the NA-EFS.
I have taken the opportunity to look again at the North Atlantic from the forecasts of the 6th A remarkable conta-rotation got past me the last time I looked.
http://www.woksat.info/etcykasxx/asxx16110100.html The reality is a bit different. There again ... no moere than is to be expected.
And you should know by now what that means.