Keith (Southend) wrote:
On 20/11/2016 09:41, Dave Cornwell wrote:
I was expecting it to be very windy overnight but maximum gust was
only 29 mph and just quite breezy this morning. The rain however
was well predicted with 24.6mm including what fell late last night
(9.00 till 9.00). This was easily the highest 24 hour amount since
June 23rd and has properly ended our drought although no standing
water in the garden as would normally be the case with that amount
of rain at this time of year.
Dave, S.Essex
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Same here witha 27mph gust, but my rainfall is considerably lower
than yours with just 11.2mm since 18z yesterday.
I'm currently in Cowfold, near Horsham, in Sussex. It was windy last
night but not notably so. My guess is that max gusts were probably
around 30 knots. Lots of leaves on the ground but no branches or twigs.
No damage to be seen, not even to fence panels, so it was something of
a damp squib here. There's some standing water in the fields because of
the heavy rain yesterday evening but that's not unusual for November.