Philip Eden: news
Martin Rowley wrote:
... I've had permission from Stephen Burt (COL Chairman) to post the
following: it's a sad tale I'm afraid for one so gifted in his field . . . .
and by modern standards relatively young. For those that don't know, Philip
initiated the setting-up of this newsgroup.
Philip Eden
I have recently obtained an update on Philip Eden’s health from his
brother, John, as follows: Philip is suffering from Parkinson’s disease and
Lewy Body dementia. In the last few weeks his condition has deteriorated
markedly, and we have doubts as to whether he still recognises family
members. He is now unable to hold any kind of conversation, and his total
vocabulary consists of the single word “no”.
Lewy Bodies dementia is linked to Parkinson's disease and is very aggressive.
His condition was mis-diagnosed as depression / anxiety some 5 years ago, and
has been a contributory factor in his behaviour since 2011. Philip has been
cared for in a specialist care home for several months now. I'm not sure how
much Philip will understand, but cards and best wishes are always welcome and
may prove beneficial to him.
May I encourage members who knew Philip through his many years of active
involvement and support for COL to send a best wishes card, or a Christmas
card, to him at the address above, to show that he has certainly not been
forgotten within our community.
Knoll House,
Studham Lane,
Tel:01582 873607
It's all very sad. I've known Philip and worked with him intermittently for
more than 40 years. He offered so much to meteorology over all those years and,
if he was still able, would have continued to do so today. As you say Martin,
by today's standards he is relatively young and is most unfortunate to be
afflicted in this way. We can only offer our thoughts and best wishes, although
such emotions seem very futile in the circumstances.