On Wednesday, 21 December 2016 14:37:29 UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
Another mild, cloudy day with little wind & a little rain.
Meanwhile out to sea it's really pretty grim http://magicseaweed.com/Live-Sennen-Webcam/65/ If the Scillonian was still sailing, it certainly wouldn't be today (If you see what I mean). Let's hope the lifeboat's not called out.
Rather (OT) but there's been quite a bit in the press about mysterious large deposits of recently dead pilchards (sardines to many - they are the same thing) near Marazion. There's no real need for complex theories. They were washed up 3 days after the huge swells of 16th. What probably happened was that due to the fairly extreme conditions, some rather overloaded boats had dump some of the catch overboard, before making it back to Newlyn.
There are vast flocks of gulls over Marazion currently, all a bit fishy.
Is nobody going to tell him?