This is what happened in 1916 following a very mild January and mild first
three weeks of February. Daffodils were out and Queen wasps were killed in
January as they stirred from hibernation. Then it turned very cold. An
observer near me added up the snowfalls and they amounted to 1.5 metres or
almost 5 feet in the period Feb 21st to end of March 1916. It was much
snowier in the Pennines.with depths exceeding 3 metres. It was similar in
1937 but where these examples differed from the current situation is that
both winters had been wet.
Ian Currie-Coulsdon
"Simon S" wrote in message
My garnden is well and truly in spring mode with daffs, crocus,
snowdrops and many other flowers as well as blossom on nearby trees.
The black birds are building their nests and full bird song can be
heard in the mornings.
Simon Sheaf
South Yorkshire.