Op dinsdag 3 januari 2017 11:48:26 UTC+1 schreef John Hall:
Colin Youngs writes
Brussels on Monday 2nd January 2017
Brussels Uccle 0.7°C – overnight minimum -1.1°C – and 4 mm rainfall
Brussels Airport 4.3°C – overnight minimum -0.3°C – and 2 mm
A surprisingly big difference in the maximum. Is that because Uccle had
a greater snow cover?
Yes, I noticed that too. I think the fog persisted longer at Uccle (in the south of Brussels) than it did in the eastern suburbs where I live. Here the mist and low cloud dispersed quite quickly before midday, but the webcam at Uccle still showed dense fog for some time after that.
As you say, the snow cover may have been thicker and more persistent down there as well. I was in the centre of Brussels in the afternoon, and I was surprised to see that the ground in the Royal Park still had a complete cover of 1 cm or so (except on hard surfaces). Where I live, the snow was only patchy by then.
Airport top right; Uccle weather station shown by the pink marker bottom left; I live in Sint-Pieters-Woluwe in the centre of the map, close to the dotted line that marks the border between Brussels and Flanders.
Colin Youngs