On 2017-01-20, Martin Brown wrote:
On 20/01/2017 12:10, Keith (Southend) wrote:
On 20/01/2017 12:06, wrote:
On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 11:47:51 AM UTC, Jumper wrote:
You laughed at me when I said the rapture was coming. Today, do you
laugh? President Trump is being inaugurated.
It has to be the most stupid thing the rednecks in the flyover states
have ever done. Electing a narcissistic demagogue as president. We have
to hope he doesn't cement his position as dictator in chief forever.
Voting Trump into the White House is a real life plot cross between
"Being There" and "The Manchurian Candidate". s/Manchurian/Putin/
I must say I have always regarded "Being There" as one of the funniest
films I have ever seen, better even than "Dr Strangelove"
Got any weather news?
Weather news: radiactive fallout expected when World War III begins.
That reminds me I must service the generator set. Ready for the rapture.
I wonder how long President Flatulance will last before his populist
boastful bull****ting campaign rhetoric comes back to haunt him?