The silly question is that the majority of meteorologists in apparently support a bag of **** that is denied by chief climatologists, thus:
What the **** are the **** for brains thinking?
"Sodamitesound louder if I put my ear to it?"
"why is that idigent asking more than one question?"
"I am a dead sheep; I stink louder than I think, how can I manage that?"
"Is it in the caggles?"
A following video described his experience with the US government. Instead of supporting the findings they sent a team of axe murderers to check on him. Oxfam and the Volunteer oversea Service people spend hundreds of pounds in Africa every year (virtually everything that is left after expenses and high official salaries are credited.)
A friend of mine a retired Civil Engineer was working in Rwanda where the whole village got one stand pipe.
Let me repeat that: The entire village got one standpipe from all the money these charities sent!
Do you suppose the chief engineer was there to make sure that it was installed expertly?
If you do, why do you suppose that?
What is it about British Charities that lets you believe anything of the sort?