Very warm spike in the Arctic
On 13/02/2017 15:47, Norman Lynagh wrote:
I see that a buoy in the Arctic at 85.9°N 31.0°E reported a temperature of -1°C
early on 9th Feb and +1°C late on 10th Feb. It then went back down to -25°C
yesterday. Fascinating times!
The next milestone/millstone is the lowest maximum sea-ice extent for
the Arctic that was 14.517 x10^6 sq km, on 25 Feb 2015 (NSIDC method),
yesterday it stood at 13.900.
Total global sea-ice yesterday was a 38 year "all-time" record minimum.
Antarctic sea-ice is likely to be also "all-time" minimum today,
reportage tomorrow.
The experts don't know what if anything (except climate change) is
linking similar tipping-point? events at both poles