On Friday, 17 February 2017 09:54:54 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Monday, 13 February 2017 08:42:15 UTC, Crusader wrote:
Looking at the T+72 chart issued in the early hours of today and seeing the occluded front going apparently backwards across Scandinavia, makes me wonder how low the knowledge has to get before the MO do some decent training.
Add to that the incessant use of occluded fronts on the BBC forecast with the warm bumps and cold triangles drawn the wrong way around....I think that standards are definitely not important any more.
I wonder if these standards reflect the quality of other aspects, such as the observations and models as these new forecasters go up the chain over the past few years?
Certainly the apparent quality and accuracy of output that is given as public service forecasts has dropped significantly.
I fear for the future of MO forecasting.
It was possibly something to do with this one it has been erupting since then I think:
The obvious problem is one of polemics:
No, no, you've got it all wrong!. Paul outed him, and we should be thankful to him because none of the rest of us had noticed that WL was posting nonsense.
Alan LeHun
I rather think they had but were too polite to send me to Coventry at first.. Or didn't know how to. I would appear to the experts on here as "posting nonsense" either because they are stupid foolish or brainwashed.
Something of the same thing goes the rounds from time to time hitting the world stage with things like the American elections recently. Some quite accomplished people having been smitten by their own success yet couldn't understand what they were doing wrong.
But it goes back to beyond reasonable behaviour as we now have no laissez-faire these days not just on here.
What I believe to be the direct result of the action of volcanoes is completely unbelievable but the problem is that the ones doing the damage are mountains that are in constant eruption as for instance this one that has been erupting since 2005:
It was possibly something to do with this one it has been erupting since then I think:
The problem being that they erupt so regularly they are not newsworthy. It doesn't mean I am wrong. I can see the weather charts change in the mood that leads up to them erupting.
And then as the North Atlantic appears starred with dots of cyclonic and anticyclonic centres along with short, lost warm-fronts.
To me they represent residual warmth trapped under immense sheets of ice-cloud put up by the volcanoes. I would be delighted to have a better explanation.
The timing of these things also fits so well as the moisture freezes as if along a gunpowder trail taking slightly longer than seismic time periods and slightly less than those involved in storm development.
Whatever the case I am not going to stop because an ill natured child or a dirty old fool with severe retard mode stuck full-on is getting a devious thrill at my expense.
The internet attracts the most obviously retarded, consider Paul's ability to reason. Someone whose best insult is "hahaha" and spelling a name wrong. He is still in a playground.
But as for the other experts they don't seem to be capable of realising that when ice piles up as in a storm it is going to present a smaller picture to a satellite.
OK so they won't be told by me but at least I actually read some of the links they think they have learned from -are in agreement with.
Personally I believe they have got into some brain-wipe cult like the Clinton rioters and the Jonestown murderers.
It happens all the time how else could the death of some old fart, plunge the whole world into a war with a very sad ending. And then after suffering a total epidemic follow it with another madness like something out of Revelation.
Then do it again big time.
As for Dawlish it HAS to be completely obvious that he is mentally retarded or has been injured in some way. Which doesn't excuse the people who think the warm weather (so called warm weather) has shrunk the amount of Arctic ice.
Nor does it excuse my behaviour, I know to turn the other cheek and chose not to. I have always been stupid like that. And foul mouthed too, sorry Tudor. I should feel bad about it but don't. Again I'm sorry about that.