On 22/02/17 09:59, Martin Brown wrote:
On 22/02/2017 08:12, N_Cook wrote:
Is this term Daily Mail / MetO-speak for cyclogenesis?
Yes. It is dumbing down of rapid cyclogenesis.
It seems to have been a US import from about 2010.
Makes headlines sound so much more apocalyptic.
Mind you, this one seems to fit the criterium of deepening by 24hPa or
more in 24 hours.
Also it's an import from Norway, not USA, and from about seventy years
ago, not 2010. So no cigar I'm afraid. ;-)
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear,
or an idiot from any direction! [Irish proverb]