This is about cyan singularities on the Hawaiian weather page. I went to the site looking for rainfall estimates for that recent dam event. It turns out the reationship with minor seismic events can be logged a few days following frontal genesis: ash
The model is the surface winds and the web page style chosen is large and unmanageable on my small monitor so I reduced it with Ctrl and +. I chose to use this size for it saves storing both and if I choose to use it on my blogs I will be able to see it with Ctrl+ Anyone else who doesn't know about that will suffer -big deal.
The first cyan signal is Midnight UTC 27 February 2017 All times are GMT or Universal Time.
A larger one at 1800 28th looks to cover more ground and last longer and the magnitudes will be larger. I have no idea by how much.
1800 5 March looks further north. This will affect magnitude by I don't know how much I have the opinion the further north the less severe but what do I know?
I should have chosen a large run but 25 6 hourly charts stretches the abilities of any computer not geared to the butterfly effects thrown up in geo-phenomena.
I read this as Seismigeostrophic frontogenesis theory focuses on the role of horizontal deformation and shear. I should have guessed the CIA would never know anything worth knowing.
I am far too trusting.xD