[CC] Global Arctic+Antarctic Sea-Ice extent ongoing minimum record,01 February 2017
On 02/02/2017 15:14, N_Cook wrote:
16.229 million sq km for 01 Feb
Extent anomaly (normalised) still -going at -2.342
The "all-time" minimum Antarctic sea-ice looks to be on about 07 Feb
2017, stood at 2.510 m sq km yesterday, 220,000 sq km above that 27 Feb
1997 record as of yesterday
Resussitating this thread as global sea-ice looks to be on a new
downhill career-path
Record minimum was 16.229 million sq km for 01 Feb
overtaken in a week or so time?
26 Feb 2017, 16.526
27 Feb, 16.482
28 Feb,16.457