February 2017
Mean max 7.3
Mean min 3.0
Overall mean 5.1
Rainfall 70.1mm, wettest day 19.8mm (22nd)
Sunshine 66.19 hours, sunniest day 8.95 hours (28th)
Frost 5.0 hours, 2 air frosts, 9 ground frosts
Snow fell on 9 days, full cover @ 0900 on 2 days (23rd, 24th) with max
depth 3cm on 24th.
On the mild side with rainfall and sunshine close to average.
Winter 2016/2017
Mean max 7.8
Mean min 3.1
Overall mean 5.5
Rainfall 157.9mm
Sunshine 190.33 hours
Snow fell on 19 days, with full cover @ 0900 on 5 days and a max depth
of 3cm on 24th February
Milder and sunnier than average but with rainfall close to average
Mildest winter since I began recording here in winter 2013/2014
George in Swanston, Edinburgh, 580'asl