1500z: 27010KT 50km 3CU010 (1SC030) 4CI250 11.9/9.7 QFF 1031.0 falling.
SYNOP: 41484 62710 10119 20097 40310 57004 70152 83802 333 83810 84075=
Drizzle was very intermittent and slight and stopped around 1400z. Cloud now breaking and becoming convective. Interesting looking area of dense cirrus to the north west - appears to be orographic in nature as the edge of it is barely moving, and the winds at cirrus levels today are of the order of 50 knots. Highest temperature so far today is 12.4 (1443z).
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports