On Thursday, 16 March 2017 21:05:56 UTC, Martin Brown wrote:
On 16/03/2017 20:00, John Hall wrote:
In message , Sir
Jim Cannon writes
This from another group doesnt applie to WeahtrAction as their
forecasts are right much much more than many others out there. Go see
for youelves
As Wikipedia tells us: 'Metrology is "the science of measurement,
embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level
of uncertainty in any field of science and technology"'. So I don't know
what these metrologists can have done to cause accusations of lying.
I think that Loose Cannon and the Grand Charlatan must have been on the
sauce again. Just look at the state of the typos in the OP. Even by the
standards of their illiterate rants this one is exceptionally bad...
The spelling mistakes are deliberate in order to get attention.