"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
On 23/03/17 11:34, Ron Button wrote:
As probably one of the oldest in this group ,I can recollect back in the
'50 as a young assistant at London Airport (Heathrow to you ) plotting
three hourly charts by hand using two pens tied together ,red and black.
When I started as an observer in '62 at Wyton, I used the the two pens
tied together but on moving to Bedford the following year we had special
plotting pens having a single (red) handle with two nibs. I think they
were of German design - or so I was told.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
Web-site: http://www.scarlet-jade.com/
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear,
or an idiot from any direction! [Irish proverb]
I didn't know that you were at Wyton, Graham (or I have forgotten)..I was
there in 1957/58. I still have my plotting pens, rusting, in the loft. I
really enjoyed the challenge of the 'single' night shifts, (while the other
shift members were taking their break), plotting a European and E.Atlamtic
chart for midnight while doing hourly obs and Ms and Bs. There was no let up
as the airfield was a master div. The office was on the 1st floor of a large
hanger, with a clear view only to the north. At night, if there were no
runway lights on, only used if there was night flying, apart from a Pundit
beacon on the airfield boundary, there were no lights at all, except when a
very infrequent car headlights on the Ramsey road could be seen, making the
observing of visibility rather a lottery. I enjoyed my time there, and was
able to get lots of 'familiarisation' flights in Canberras and Ansons, as
the boss would always sign my self-typed authorisation chitty.
Bernard Burton
Satellite images and weather data for Wokingham at:
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