On 24/03/17 08:55, Crusader wrote:
Wasn't it some sort of urea/ammonia mix that the paper was impregnated with...with a few other odd chemicals to prevent lremature drying?
It was also amazing what one could use the paper roll centres for as well as the used fax blades. Many an exhaust pipe has been temporarily re-attached to the car with old blades before going home after a shift.
Paper roll holders were excellent firework launch tubes!
Those Mufax tubes also made excellent beanpoles - once you'd collected
enough of them - by heating one end so that it softened and then
enlarging it by forcing the end of another tube into it. This could be
repeated until you had a pole of suitable length. For easy over-winter
storage the poles could be dismantled.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear,
or an idiot from any direction! [Irish proverb]