On 09/04/2017 18:42, P.Chortik wrote:
What a contrast to the conditions currently over most of the U.K.
According to my weather diary for Merstham,Sy.started as a schoolboy
and continuing for several years beyond ;
At 7.30 a.m. Thursday awoke to moderate snow,temp 2c and falling.Snow
lying--milk float unable to make it today.
In The D.Telegraph the following day I believe the weather section had
Cardiff registering a temperature of -1c at lunchtime with snow
falling and
IIRC the temps in the South of England struggled to rise much above
freezing anywhere that day.
The Times has these temps: Belfast 37, Birmingham 36, Bristol 32,
Cardiff 30, Edinburgh 37, London 32, Manchester 36. Northern Europe
suffered too: Amsterdam 39, Berlin 36, Brussels 32, Cologne 39,
Copenhagen 28, Dublin 37, Helsinki 23, Luxembourg 32, Oslo 27, Stockholm
"London has coldest April day since 1911"
Ah yes it was -1c,tks for posting that data.I used to have a collection
of newspapers covering reports of extreme weather in the U.K. going back
many years but sadly about 20 years ago the antidote medication I was
taking for severe depression was mind-altering and I threw most out
along with collections of Dinky,Corgi and Matchbox vehicles that
probably had some value.There were some Daily Herald
newspapers too going back to the early 1950s.
I should have said that I used The Times Digital Archive to find the data.
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