On Thursday, 18 May 2017 14:25:28 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
6.2M. 39km S of Namatanai, PNG 2017-05-15 at 13:22.
5.6M. 67km SE of Inarajan, Guam. 5.6 2017-05-16 03:56.
14 1/2 hours. Is that fundamental for a solid wind to blow?
Like trying to watch the busy angels' flying toes. Dancing how only god knows. Trying to time the dance.
the last gale force quake is now 4 hours into 3 days ago. How many hours is that?
adjective: fundamental
1. forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
"the protection of fundamental human rights"
synonyms: basic, foundational, rudimentary, elemental, elementary, underlying, basal, radical, root; primary, cardinal, initial, original, prime, first, primitive, primordial;
principal, chief, capital, key, central;
structural, organic, constitutional, inherent, intrinsic, ingrained;
vital, essential, important, indispensable, necessary, crucial, pivotal, critical
"a fundamental political principle"
antonyms: secondary, unimportant
affecting or relating to the essential nature of something or the crucial point about an issue.
"the fundamental problem remains that of the housing shortage"
so basic as to be hard to alter, resolve, or overcome.
noun: fundamental; plural noun: fundamentals
1. a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
"two courses cover the fundamentals of microbiology"
synonyms: basics, essentials, rudiments, foundations, basic principles, first principles, preliminaries;
crux, essence, core, nucleus, heart, base, bedrock, groundwork, crux of the matter, heart of the matter;
sine qua non;
informalnuts and bolts, nitty-gritty, brass tacks, ABC
"he taught me the fundamentals of the job"
2. Music a fundamental note, tone, or frequency.
If weather has averages does symmetry equal volcanoes?