0900z: 30016G26KT 25km Slight rain 5SC015 8SC025 9.5/7.6 QFF 993.3 rising.
SYNOP: 41475 83016 10095 20076 49933 52028 76062 885// 333 85615 88625 90730 91131 91026=
A cool, cloudy and wet 24 hours.Light to moderate rain, with the odd heavy burst, continued overnight, becoming light and intermittent after 0600z. Event total was 17.6 mm. Currently cloudy with a cold wind and spits of rain.
05/0900z to 06/0900z:
Max: 13.3 (1104z)
Min: 7.4 (0358z)
Rain: 15.0 mm
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports