On Wed, 07 Jun 2017 14:48:00 +0100
N_Cook wrote:
On 07/06/2017 09:03, Crusader wrote:
I noticed that we had a few days warning from UKMO, but this time
around,there was no name attributed to the so called "Storm" of the past
few days.
Have we seen sense and finally dumped that childish idea?
One way of ranking storms could be by the number of people killed,
directly attributable to the storm, falling tree, washed out to sea by
coastal wave, flying debris etc, so the 05-06 storm had a mortality
rating of 2 , ISTR.
But then you'd have to normalise it according to population density, time of
day and whether it was a holiday or weekend. Let's just keep things simple and
do away with names, impacts etc. and just stick to the meteorology and
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