0900z: 27004KT 50km 2CU015 (1SC040) 14.2/11.5 QFF 1007.1 rising.
SYNOP: 41484 22704 10142 20115 40071 52014 72581 82800 333 82815=
A partly cloudy late afternoon followed by a fine evening. Cloud formations indicated increasing instability into the evening, but it remained dry before midnight. Variable cloud and mainly light rain showers in the second half of the night, with a beefier moderate shower around 0500z giving a maximum rate of 4.2 mm/hr. Last precipitation was just after 0800z. Currently partly cloudy with sunny periods, and the convective cloud seems to be on the wane. Excellent visibility this morning.
08/0900z to 09/0900z:
Max: 17.2 (1416z)
Min: 8.8 (2310z)
Rain: 2.0 mm
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports