On 16/06/2017 13:47, haaark wrote:
If I hear another weather presenter say 'it's another uncomfortable night for sleeping' I'll scream and scream until I'm sick.
What minimum is he talking about tonight? 16C!!! Do we all stay awake at night on a Med. holiday, when even with a/c the temp. can't be less than 20+C. What about nodding off in the back garden in the sun?
Open the window and sleep under one sheet-it never fails for me. Thoughts please.
Tee hee! It's as a bad as 'them' tell us to "wrap up warm" when the
temperature drops below 10C.
I've just checked the temperature in the bedroom and it is currently 27C
with the windows open. I suspect it will rise a little through the night
as downstairs is noticeably warmer. It won't stop me from sleeping but
it will be a night on the sheets rather than under them.
I remember spending the summer in Crete and the heat in the non-a/c
apartment was something to behold. A friend said if it is too hot then
remove the bed sheet and soak it in the bath until it is dripping wet
then put it back on the bed and lie on it. Fantastic! Worked a treat but
the only problem is it would dry out and you had to repeat it once or
twice through the night. I tried sleeping outside but the mossies got me.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl