On 17/06/2017 12:19, Will Hand wrote:
On Sat, 17 Jun 2017 06:41:59 +0100
Col wrote:
On 16/06/2017 22:40, Big Jumper wrote:
I was shocked today, I was talking to a young woman in a cafe, I said to
her, "The grenfell tower fire was a tragedy, it's lucky no english
people where in there. ". She accused me of being racist, just because
I put my own country folk, above other people of the world. This is
what you get with socialist teaching in schools, colleges and unis. :-(
I usually don't bother responding to you these days, but in this case I
will make an exception.
Those poor people *were* English you vile racist ****.
You're despicable.
Col, Jumper is correct in that most were non-white but where is his humanity?
They are all human beings for goodness sake. "it's lucky there were no English
people in there" he said, what a thing to say as if us English are something
special. Best continue to ignore him Col as he has serious relational problems
I'd say.
You are right of course I should just ignore him but sometimes he needs
slapping down and reminding just what a revolting creature he is.
I mean, fancy using that appalling tragedy in order to pedal his race
hate. That was beneath contempt.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
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