[WR] Copley - fresh
Nothing here so far- but if we get a decent easterly they should come this
far in land. Last time we had loads of snow in December 96 / Jan 97 ( about
27th or 28th December)- Would that be right??? I remember we had quite a lot
of snow one day and then overnight we had loads. We were meant to be going
over to Burnham Seat near Alston to go skiing on the lift there but we
couldn't get out the drive or down the road. We had some really good skiing
up in teesdale that season!! ( the last time - not much since then!!!)
I remember also that the November 96 we also had a polar low one Sunday
which give a lot of snow as well. There was snow around all the way from
then to into January. Things seems to have changed then!!
Fingers crossed so my sons can see some decent snow ( well until we get to
Austria which has got loads of snow at the moment!!!)