Useless met office rainfaill predictions
On Thu, 6 Jul 2017 10:49:31 +0100
Will Hand wrote:
On Thu, 6 Jul 2017 08:53:06 +0000 (UTC)
Even 12 hours ago the BBC weather was predicting rain and storms over a
substantial part of london and the southwest.
[looks out the window]
Blue sky. And looking at the rainfall radar the nearest rain is in
cambridgshire and calais.
And this isn't the first time. If all their expertise and their very
expensive supercomputer can't even get a forecast right 12 hours ahead then
whats the point of them?
Very erudite. Got anything further to add or is that your contribution for
the day and you need to go lie down now?
FWIW I dragged around a useless umbrella and I suspect some farmers and event
managers are a bit put out too. No one expects them to get the weather dead on
a week ahead, but 12 hours?? A piece of seaweed could have done better.