On Tue, 11 Jul 2017 11:27:08 +0100
Graham P Davis wrote:
On 11/07/17 09:33, d wrote:
Certainly they ballsed up another rain prediction. Last nights forecast was
light rain for the whole of london and the south by 8am. Its 9.30 am and
its still as dry as a bone out there. Looking at the rainfall radar the
nearest rain is in wiltshire. There's a prediction for heavy rain for
I won't hold my breath given that the main front over cornwall looks like its
weakening already.
At 0900, some rain was already close to Brighton with some light stuff
over Kent. I think that puts the rain a little closer to London than
I'm looking at the radar for 9am. Theres nothing over brighton and a couple
of teensy spots over kent. Thats not quite the same as rain covering the whole
of the london area and a good portion of the SE.
See for yourself:
A quick look at the other model runs yesterday show them to have been
going for the same story as the Met Office, much as when you last blamed
the Met Office for supposedly getting a forecast wrong.
So if they predict rain for my area and not only does none shows up but we
had clear blue sky, that is "supposedly" wrong is it? What exactly are your
criteria for definately wrong?