On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:16:46 +0100, Big Jumper
OBWeather: It's dark out the square window so I've no idea what the
weather is doing, nor do I much care. I'm not under siege, water, fire
or attack so all is cool.
So far.
Oh, it's also quiet so I doubt the thunderstorms are nearby. Pity. I
like thorms. The Tuesday ones were lovely. I got wet.
I helped a young mother over the footbridge at Ruabon with her
pushchair, and her mother with a heavy suitcase. They were both very
And the entire railway system applauded. Millions yelled your name in
orgasmic awe and you were instantly promoted from Second Looey Kunnel
to Light Kernel of the Heavy Foot And Teeth and gave you many, many
medals for valour above and beyond the call of crickets.
You are so *MANLY* and wonderful that it is amazing that you aren't
Prime Minister, Supreme High Priestess, Generalissimo-for-life and
Maybe next week?
I like being helpful and considerate,
********. You like to interfere in your idiotic, bombastic,
General-Colonel-Blimpish way, blundering about messing with the proles
so they tip their hats, loudly and proudly proclaim "Gud-unnyeh,
yeronna" and give you a shilling.
You are a buffoon of the finest water who just can't let well enough
alone. You have an overly inflated need to be noticed and a small
man's urge to be praised.
In short, you are a wizened wassoch.
I don’t think that
such behaviour is sexist in any way.
Of course it is.
No one ever, *EVER* thinks to help old, fattish, hairy, ugly, little
males no matter how sickly, crippled and burdened we are.
Blondes (note the "e") with big teats get more offers than they can
ever use.
Or want.
Of course it is sexist. No one helps me because no one wants to boff
me and no one particularly likes me. Blondes with pretty lumpies are
the exact opposite.
I *GUARANTEE* that you would never consider offering to help me carry
my monthly shopping to my home. Not even once.
"Sexist" is in your genes and you lie poorly when denying it.
You have been told, ****wit.
This email
Usenet may have started as an email add-on several decades ago but so
did Face****. Sort of.
has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
check is telling us that your AV-ware is ****e and can't be trusted to
keep malware from your machine.
Think about it. Assuming you are capable of this action.
Also, *WE* are responsible for keeping malware from *our* boxes.
There is no way we are going to skip searching your "emails" just
because some lying spam tells us they are clean.
We've seen Nigeria's 419's.
SPAM. Please check your settings. Remove this from your "emails".
Having it shows that you are an inconsiderate prat and are using
defective software that can't protect you. It is a ****-poor
advertisement for even more ****-poor programs.
Open your AV-ware. Settings or Options. Signature. NO SIGNATURE.
Or are you to dim to do this?
OBWeather again: as it is a weather group, I just thought the
readership would like the additional observation that the airs are not
condensing out so the local temperatures must be a touch higher than
the sublimation point of carbon-dioxide and possibly higher than the
vaporisation point of nitrogen.
That's nice to know, isn't it?