Some more hateful than others.
On Saturday, 29 July 2017 10:50:11 UTC+1, Asha Santon wrote:
Could I politely request that you desist from entering into discussions
with the turd?
There are plenty of humans here should you wish to converse with them.
Many of us, if not most, have the turd killfiled so only see its
utterances when others do the unthinkable and reply to it (with full
quote no less).
Your kind cooperation with this request will be met with muted approval
from many readers. Thank you.
Two points. Firstly Col did not enter into a discussion with Jumper. He simply pointed out that Jumper's assertion that the incident was not reported by the BBC is untrue - it was. Jumper lied to support his racism. Why should he get away with it?
Secondly, you cannot ask people to desist because *you* have kill-filed Jumper. You're part of a group, not its moderator. If you don't like certain stuff just step over it - others may want to read it, for whatever reason. Kill-filing is so petulant and childish.
Tudor Hughes