0600z: 21004KT 30km 1ST008 (1SC050 1AC100) 3CI250 11.7/10.5 QFF 1011.1 steady.
SYNOP: 12380 42104 10117 20105 40111 56001 60002 81562 333 20088 81708 83075=
Moderate shower yesterday afternoon became light by 1510z, with further light showers before 1800z. Dry evening and overnight. A small amount of stratus this morning, with some Sc and Ac cugen (no Cu visible), and dense cirrus to the north and north-east. Very good visibility. Minimum temperature overnight was 8.8 (2239z).
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports