0900z: 27007KT 50km 1CU015 (2SC040) 7AC100 14.1/12.0 QFF 1016.0 steady.
SYNOP: 42484 72707 10141 20120 40160 50001 8283/ 333 81815 87360=
A cloudy 24 hours. Dry at first and at the end. Light rain (just spits in the wind) from 1400z Sunday, became continuous around 1900z, and then moderate to heavy rain and drizzle 1945z to 2130z with a peak rate of 18 mm/hr at 2034z. Light to moderate rain (with some drizzle at first) until approximately 0300z this morning, with another heavy burst around midnight. Dry since 0300z. The medium cloud layer is thinning and allowing some sunny intervals. Winds W'ly to SW'ly, mainly F3.
06/0900z to 07/0900z:
Max: 15.1 (1340z)
Min: 11.3 (0413z)
Rain: 8.6 mm
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports