This August is turning out so far to be rather dire - cool, cloudy and wet.
1st - 8th:
Mean minimum = 12.2C
Mean maximum = 20.6C
Mean = 16.4C
Rain = 36 mm
Sunshine = 30 hours
It doesn't get much worse than the above!
The weather seems to have been in terminal decline since the 20th July.
On this date last August, the mean temperature was a rather better 18.3C
and there had been 52 hours of sunshine. The month ended up with 243
hours of sunshine and a drier than normal 37 mm of rain. Unless there's
a big change in the weather I cannot see this August coming close to
last years for sunshine, dryness and warmth.
It reminds me of the Augusts during the bad old summer days of 2007 to 2012.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl