Tideswell, Derbyshire - Monday 2nd October 2017
0530z 23011g21kt 20km 7Sc012 10.7/08.4 1006
RMK: A breezy morning. Cooler than recently.
1600z 26011g22kt 30km 6Sc018 11.2/08.0 1009
RMK: Cloudy till early afternoon with occasional slight rain.
Dry after that with a few sunny intervals. A breezy day but
the max gust was only 25 knots. Undoubtedly much stronger
than that out of the relative shelter of the dale. The coolest
day for some time with a max temp of 12.8°.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
Twitter: @TideswellWeathr