My behaviour
On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 10:46:54 +0000
Asha Santon wrote:
On 2017-11-22 23:25:00 +0000, Len Wood said:
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 5:04:43 PM UTC, Crusader wrote:
Fourthded... is that a new word for the new "urbanised" Oxford
Since when did Will say he was sick?
It was apparent from his behaviour, hence his post to that effect.
I hope he's still reading, however, as I have some snow for him today.
Oh dear, sorry if I put out a wrong impression. I am not sick, very fit and
well actually. I'm also no more stressed than normal. But ... I have been
ashamed of my behaviour recently, particularly towards Len, Nick and Graham
(for which I apologise again), the worst of my Leo character came out for some
reason and I have to reign it back a bit. I thought a break from here would and
will do me good. I'm still on UKWW which is moderated, so under control there
LOL :-)
Jealous of your snow Asha, but I will get some this weekend too.
Anyway, enough about me, you all have far more interesting things to talk about.
Sunny here in Haytor 9C.