0900z: 02004KT 18km Slight snow shower 6CU020 (/SC050) 1.1/-2.1 QFF 1014.8 rising.
SYNOP: 41568 70204 10011 21021 40148 53004 78581 878// 333 86820=
Cold and dry yesterday until late evening. Slight shower of snow pellets around 2200z. Dry again until later in the night when there were some slight snow showers. About 20% covering of less than a centimetre - so not a lot! Frost reformed around sunset and has persisted through the night. No hoar frost, but ground frozen. Ice on hard surfaces due to seepage. Excellent visibility away from the showers.
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports