0900z: 07005KT 40km 4SC012 -1.2/-3.8 QFF 1024.9 falling.
SYNOP: 42482 40705 11012 21038 40249 57013 84500 333 84612=
A cold,dry and sunny day Sunday, with a biting ENE'ly breeze. Clear and breezy conditions continued overnight, giving another penetrating frost. Clear and dry this morning, with a light hoar frost. Ground frozen hard. Patchy stratocumulus has filtered across from the east in the past hour. Very good visibility.
07/0900z to 08/0900z:
Max: 1.8 (1319z)
Min: -1.8 (0331z)
Rain: Nil
Fishpool Farm
296m AMSL
https://twitter.com/FishpoolFarmWx for hourly reports