On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 7:28:15 PM UTC, Alan White wrote:
Philip was in my Weather List as someone to whom I sent my monthly stats
when I was still doing them. He invariably replied with a kind comment,
some encouragement and sometimes just to thank me.
On one occasion, when we went on holiday and, because of an error on my
part we missed two weeks rainfall readings, he went to the trouble to
derive them for me on a daily basis from I know not where but the fact
that he took the trouble to do so speaks volumes.
Like Mike Tullet, he was a true gentleman and in this age when true
gentlemen are in short supply he will be sadly missed.
Go in peace, Philip, the world is a worse place without you.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
In Helensburgh, Scotland.
Weather:- http://windycroft.co.uk/weather
I'm truly shocked and saddened to hear this news and would offer my condolences to his family and all who knew him. As he had with others in this ng, some years ago Philip took the time to answer with great patience, kindness and courtesy what to him must have been some very basic questions I had put. I was very grateful for that. Alan's point is well made in that, around the same time, Mike Tullet took the trouble to do the same.
They were cast in the same mould. There are some in today's often shrill and very impatient world, of far too many closed minds and oh-so-certain people, who could usefully stop short, think hard, and take a leaf or two from these gentle men's books.