N_Cook wrote:
On 17/01/2018 13:36, Norman Lynagh wrote:
It's all starting to happen! At Buoy 62095 (52.8°N 15.6°W) the
pressure at 1300z was 1003.9 mb. That's a fall of 7.9 mb in the
past 3 hours and a fall of 4.0 mb in the past hour. The wind has
backed to SSW Force 6.
At least GFS, in the last day or so of cogitations on no-name storm,
has knocked back its UK air-space "storm motion" from over 90mph to a
bit less . Shifting the 90mph priviledge to Holland, well the 06Z
run anyway.
At 1400z the pressure at Buoy 62095 was 999.3 mb. That was a fall of
11.0 mb in 3 hours and 4.6 mb in 1 hour. Either the system is moving
very fast or deepening rapidly or, more likely, a bit of both.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
Twitter: @TideswellWeathr