In message ,
Keith Harris writes
I've searched through all the lists I have but don't seem to be able to
find these:
71195 Unknown*
71204 Unknown*
71324 Unknown*
71327 Unknown*
71328 Unknown*
71594 Unknown*
71596 Unknown*
71602 Unknown*
71606 Unknown*
71613 Unknown*
71635 Unknown*
71644 Unknown*
71646 Unknown*
71652 Unknown*
71653 Unknown*
71654 Unknown*
71655 Unknown*
71656 Unknown*
71658 Unknown*
71659 Unknown*
71664 Unknown*
71698 Unknown*
71729 Unknown*
If anyone could fill the gaps in that would be a great help.
Many thanks
Keith (Southend)
Having done a web search on "Canada synoptic station", I found this:
Click on the link under "Observations" to "Surface and upper-air
stations (OSCAR/Surface)". Hopefully the list will include the stations
that you are missing.
John Hall
"Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history
that man can never learn anything from history."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)