On Sunday, 28 January 2018 21:47:49 UTC, John Hall wrote:
In message , John Hall
In message ,
Keith Harris writes
I've searched through all the lists I have but don't seem to be able
to find these:
71195 Unknown*
snip list
If anyone could fill the gaps in that would be a great help.
Many thanks
Keith (Southend)
Having done a web search on "Canada synoptic station", I found this:
Click on the link under "Observations" to "Surface and upper-air
stations (OSCAR/Surface)". Hopefully the list will include the stations
that you are missing.
Unfortunately that list seems to be split into 90 pages with only 10
stations per page! I subsequently found this list, which looks to be
more usable:
However it doesn't seem to contain an entry for 71195, the first station
in your list, which suggests that the others might be missing too.
Ah, found an entry for 71195, in an online document that was originally
compiled in 1985, which makes me wonder if it's a station that is no
longer reporting:
71195 is at St Alban's Bay, Newfoundland, it turns out: 47 52N 55 51W
I assume that all your other missing stations will also be in this
John Hall
"Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history
that man can never learn anything from history."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Thanks John for looking, I had found the all but the last link, but unfortunately 71195 is the only one...
Just taken from 27th 18z synops, so there all the
71195 16/// /2501 11293 21321 39282 40329 53012 60001 333 11257 21304 70000=
71204 16/// /3515 11136 21184 39262 40287 51025 60001 333 11109 21156 70000=
71324 45/// /2111 10002 21023 30275 40314 58044 333 10003 21108 4/997=
71327 45/// /2004 10003 21032 333 10006 21116 4/997=
71328 45/// /1903 10010 21028=
71594 17/// /0203 11192 21221 39879 40376 53012 69991 7//4/ 333 11189 21200 70027=
71596 16/// /2308 11035 21090 30300 40319 56033 60001 333 11028 21145 70000=
I've actually got a whole load more for Mexico, but one step at a time. I have also checked on ogimet
################################################## ########
# Query made at 01/28/2018 20:35:07 UTC
# Time interval: from 01/27/2018 11:30 to 01/28/2018 18:30 UTC
################################################## ########
# SYNOPS from 71195, ()
201801281800 AAXX 28184 71195 16/// /3003 11210 21231 39331 40374 57006 60001
333 11210 21311 70000=
Keeping upto date with my synop lists is like painting the Forth Bridge :-)
Many thanks
Keith (Southend)