[WR] Haytor 6/2/18 (snow)
On 6 Feb 2018, Will Hand wrote
(in . uk):
Continuous snow now in Haytor. Only 2 to 3mm sized flakes but lots of them
obscuring visibility. Almost moderate intensity. It is now settlins on all
surfaces (except the main road) and the moor is starting to look white. Frozen
ponds are now completely white of course. T -0.2C. We are on the edge of the
leading convergence line on the radar stretching up to Cardiff and then
north. The band is very slow moving, how lucky is that?! Came back from my dog
walk with a small icicle on my wooly hat and the Dartmoor ponies are getting a
white coat LOL. Proper winter has started today on my part of Dartmoor.
We can all look at the Dartcom camera images, and see reality.
Now look for yourself, and try again.....