On 25/02/2018 19:05, johnny-knowall wrote:
On 25 Feb 2018, wrote
(in ):
On Saturday, 24 February 2018 19:40:18 UTC, Mark Griffiths wrote:
I admit to being an occasional lurker, and a bit of a fan of Will's posts
especially given the coming week. Shame that the conduct of some have lead
him to leave.
I'm sure Will is still here lurking but never makes posts, There is room for
all types of folks on this forum and it's obvious that some folks just wont
get on, It would be a boring World if we were all the same.
Look. This is all aimed against me.
I did not force him to leave. No one forced him to leave.
I did not even accuse him of being a liar.
Not in so many words perhaps, but that was the obvious implication.
All I did was mention that his versions of Dartmoor weather were rather at
odds with what I could see on the Dartcom camera and website. Since when has
that been a crime?
You can slag me off as much as you like, but you do yourselves no favours in
the sanctimonious holier than thou stakes concerning trolls.
It is up to you if you want to believe a webcam or a person who could (at the
time) have walked out of his house with his mobile and taken half a dozen
photos of his garden and posted links to blow my accusations out of the
Will is a seasoned and professional observer. Why on earth should he
scurry around providing evidence for the likes of you that he is not in
fact lying as to his observations?
And more to the point why would he lie anyway, what would he gain from it?
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
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