The northward moving occluded front is giving snow right across the Midlads and East Anglia now (just arriving in your local neighbourhood around Stoke about now I should think....). In Hertfordshire there is yet another problem of a large number of motorists stuck in snow -I think it was 100 cars between Luton and Hitchin . Patchy snow has been expected in northern and central this weekend for several days now. The warnings seem fully justified and appropriate IMO.
The heaviest snow in last 24h of around 50 cm in the Vale of Glamorgan and In my home city of Cardiff makes me think that area is prone to occasional heavy snow - nearly a metre in January 1945, a lot in Feb 1978 and around 80cm level depth in January 1982. I keep meaning to write up the last of those events - I'll aim for the 40th anniversary!
Julian Mayes
Surrey. Now up to the dizzy heights of 3-4cm snow after this afternoon's front topped it up.