On Wednesday, 28 February 2018 11:52:54 UTC, Janet Winslow wrote:
Does anyone have any sensible answers to the so-called 13,000 mile contrail reported (amongst other places) in some tabloids on 25 Feb 2018 as seen on Google Earth?
Processing glitch, hoax by Google staff or a real 'something'?
I did a group search but didn't find it. Typical article link he http://metro.co.uk/2018/02/26/alien-...globe-7342392/
Have you got a time lapse for it. The reporter has not been obliging.
One would have thought something would have been mentioned about this Coriolis defying phenomena.
If you have been following Qanon posts you will have heard mention of BOOMs
I think you had better head there rather than waste time in this paddling pool for losers.