Obs - Reading (Tilehurst) 10 Mar 2018
100900 S F1-2 9999 2ST012 6AC080 7+CS200 +10.2/+9.4 993.5
Cloudy, with rain until late evening
Rain moderate at times and briefly heavy near 1925, with max rate 4.4mm/hr
Further slight or moderate rain at times from 0045 - 0330
Breaks in cloud for a time around dawn
Max (09 - 09) +10.8 at 0224
Min (09 - 21) +3.7 at 0900
Min (21 - 09) +8.6 at 2100
Grass Min (18 - 09) +5.3
Rain (09 - 09) 10.3mm
Eric Belton