Students today!
On 22/03/2018 16:31, Steve Jackson wrote:
As a measure of the type of requests we get at Bablake to provide data for graduate and post-graduate research projects, this one made me smile today!
"My name is ********** and I am currently in my second year at Coventry University looking to complete my final year project on the relationship between high magnitude volcanic eruptions, North Atlantic Oscillation and El Nino Southern Oscillation with respect to storminess in Coventry.
I have had a look on your website and wondered if you were able to provide data regarding temperatures, wind speed and precipitation for the last 200 years in order to assist my project’s raw data."
Firstly, that subject for a third year geography!
I did suggest in reply that she was taking on something of an impossible task! Quite what her tutor/research supervisor is thinking in encouraging het to take that one on beggars belief, in my humble opinion at least!
As for Bablake having 200 years of any data, let alone wind data, that's beyond us to be fair!
I did suggest she uses CET data and E& W rainfall stats, but she said she wants it more local and will get back to me!
Hey ho, at least it wasn't for a GCSE coursework project:-)
Steve J
She hasn't made it very clear whether she wants hourly, daily, weekly,
monthly or annual figures!!!!
Just for information, until about a year ago, the Pitsford weather site
here in Northampton provided (downloadable) monthly rainfall figures for
the last 130 years. Maybe someone in the Coventry area still has that
sort of data available.
jim, Northampton