And another three questions - novelty forecasts, famous weatherpresenters, and Singing in the rain
My research for "The weather and psychology" is almost complete. Google is letting me down though.
1. I am sure that at some point on BBC they got a number of then famous weather forecasters together and got them to perform "Singing in the rain" with umbrellas. A Christmas Morecambe and Wise show is the obvious outlet, but I can't find any record of it. Can anyone help?
2. My knowledge of television forecasters and presenters is very Britishocentric. There must be equally if not more famous forecasters across the world, or is the adoration of the forecasters a British phenomenon?
3. I also have a dim memory that at various times various other countries have used novelty formats for forecasts - girls in bikini, talking donkeys, that sort of thing. Am I just making it up, or is "today the weather will be scorchio" influencing me too much?