New Met O and BBC graphics
On Thu, 12 Apr 2018 09:10:08 +0100
woldsweather wrote:
On 10/04/2018 10:53, Graham P Davis wrote:
On 10/04/18 10:14, woldsweather wrote:
On 04/04/2018 17:49, woldsweather wrote:
This is current 1800 04042018 Actual left forecast right. Now I
used to be able to see where the Met O/BBC were predicting
sunshine. Now they don't show it why not?
Find it hard to believ no one else has a problem with this!
The BBC TV forecasts still show cloud and, despite my dodgy
eyesight, I can tell the difference between cloudy and sunny areas
quite easily.
The colour display of the monitors and TVs I use vary quite a bit
and I wonder if the display you are using is not as effective at
distinguishing between the cloudy and sunny areas on the green
background as it did with brown.
[Your sig starts with '---' instead of '-- ' which means that it is
not recognised as a sig by newsreaders. Could you please correct
THeres a box called signature text that is empty. Do I need to put
something in there?
You need to switch off the Avast signature.
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