Possible changes in Atlantic Ocean circulation
On Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 9:39:16 AM UTC+1, Norman Lynagh wrote:
Nick Gardner wrote:
On 11/04/2018 18:54, Norman Lynagh wrote:
Food for thought
Norman, I have been led to believe that the Gulf Stream/North
Atlantic Drift is wind driven?
I have attended many lectures and a few conferences that have stated
to the above. Which is right?
That's the popular, simple explanation. It's much more complicated than
Always more complicated than that.
Wind driven by the Azores high in the first instance, and then conservation of absolute vorticity concentrates things somewhat as regards the ocean current.
There are interactions and feedbacks from smaller scale features but one tries to smooth those out over a longterm. Not very wise or easy if climate prediction (projection) is your goal.